Reasons to be a Deacon in the Diocese of Idaho

  • To serve God and the Church by preaching, teaching, and administering the sacraments.
  • To minister to the needs of the sick, the poor, and the marginalized.
  • To work for justice and peace in the world.
  • To be a witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • To comfort the broken hearted.
  • To feed the hungry.
  • To make a difference in the world.

If you are interested in becoming a Deacon in the Diocese of Idaho, please contact your local clergy or click "Learn More".

Learn more

Deacons & Their Ministries

The Greek word diakonia means service among others. It has its roots in the Christian Scriptures. They are called to represent the church in meaningful and transformation ways in the world. They are involved in the outreach ministries of the church, besides being servants and ministers in Education, Pastoral Care and Social Justice issues that affects the lives of the people.

The Venerable Eileen, image on the left, is the Archdeacon of the Diocese of Idaho, coordinating the formation and ministries of the Diaconal Ministry in the Episcopal Church in Idaho.

Resources for Deacons

The Association for Episcopal Deacons is an association and website dedicated to supporting Deacons in their ministries.  By clicking on the links below you will find some specific resources that will provide you with more information on what it means to be a Deacon and resources for professional development and networking.

Association for Episcopal Deacons

Starting September 11 ​Deacons Talking Series - New and expanded Meeting the first four Mondays of every month, online 5:00 pm MST

Deacons Talking on the Road to Emmaus

Life and Work of Deacons Conferences

Deacons Speaking

Listen into our monthly interviews as we learn more from our Deacons about their personal call to ministry, who they serve and their passion for their ministries. More info to come.

In the Episcopal Church we are fond of saying “All are Welcome”.  Welcoming all is a radical idea.  By inviting the stranger we are changed and we grow.  Sometimes in our churches we forget that there are current parishioners who need our support so that they too feel welcome. People with disabilities may struggle with accessing our spaces, hearing what is said, reading our bulletins or understanding the messages spoken.   Below there are links to resources to help your church truly make our churches welcoming to all.

Universal Design in Worship

Church Campus Accessibility Access

The Diocese of Idaho Handbook for Deacons was created collaboratively by our Deacons.  This resource is designed to provide our Deacons direction and support in living out their ministries in their parishes. (Click Here)

Idaho Deacon Calendar

Deacon Zoom Meetings (Click Here)

Each year Idaho Deacons meet regularly to collaborate, network and support one another in our ministries. Below are scheduled meetings for 2023-2024 .

  • March 21, 2024 at 7:30

Deacon’s Yearly Retreat and Education: February 23-25, 2024 at St. James Event and Retreat Center in Payette. The professional Development topic will be Pastoral Care. More information to come.

Deacon's Speaking

An interview with Ellen Blackmon, our newest Deacon, before she was ordained.

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